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Supply Chain

A Supply Chain under constant pressure that demands visibility, resilience and sustainability

Orchestrating upstream to downstream flows to meet customer demands

Automating and digitalizing supply chain processes to improve performance

Digital transformation is one of the priorities of Supply Chain Departments because it improves the real-time visibility of operations and increases the responsiveness of all the links in the chain in the event of a new external event. The Avencore teams can help you choose between all the tools available on the market (ERP, WMS, TMS, etc.), which are essential to optimize the processes that structure the flows (S&OP – PIC/PDP, MRP, etc.). Artificial Intelligence (AI) already plays a key role in supply chain agility, by identifying weak signals and proposing alternative scenarios. 

Data sharing at the core of a more effective collaboration

The notion of a collaborative supply chain, which allows the overall management of upstream and downstream information flows for better traceability, emerged many years ago but its implementation is still challenging. Avencore can help you answer these key questions: Who is responsible for managing and coordinating the various interactions within the supply chain? What levels of transparency and data security should be implemented? How can we ensure that different information systems are compatible and can be interconnected effectively. These questions are at the core of the industrial Supply Chain strategy.  

Towards a sustainable and responsible Supply Chain

Supply chain managers play a major role these days in meeting the growing environmental and societal demands that industrial companies are facing. Sharing joint responsibility with the Purchasing departments, they have to control the carbon footprint of operations, assess supplier practices and ensure that the latest regulations (CSRD, CS3D) are addressed, all while remaining cost-effective.   

Securing the supply chain: Ensuring your own resilience and that of your suppliers

In addition to selecting new suppliers, securing the supply chain means working with tier 1 suppliers (and their own suppliers) to implement projects to improve performance (delivery times and quality) and reduce costs. Mapping out risks, transforming the customer/subcontractor relationship into a partnership and co-construction, monitoring and looking for supplier diversity across sectors are the methodologies that need to be applied to avoid breakdowns and strengthen the competitiveness of the entire value chain over the long term.  

Your strategic partner in optimising manufacturers' Supply Chains 

Our consultants’ ability to model complex flows to find the optimum combination of performance, cost, and sustainability is key to building a high-performance, sustainable supply chain. Our experts are constantly searching for new ways of looking at our customers’ problems, using relevant benchmarks, sophisticated data analysis tools and customised decision-making models.  

“In the industrial world, the failure of one key supplier can jeopardize all operations and the delivery of an order. Tight Supply Chain planning and management is not just an option.”

Sébastien Degueldre, Associate Partner