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Workforce Planning

Aligning your HR strategy with your business model

Planning and mapping out the skills needed to succeed in your industrial transformation

Strategic Workforce Planning: the right resources, in the right place, at the right time.

The economic and technological world is changing, and so are the jobs and skills needed to remain competitive. To help our customers anticipate and optimize the allocation of resources and skills, the Avencore teams are ready to work sidebyside with you on your Strategic Workforce Planning. This tool allows you to develop a model of your short- and medium-term (less than 5 years) workforce and skill requirements in terms of quantity and quality, based on your business and industrial objectives. One of the key success factors is to establish a comprehensive vision based on the S&OP, and then incorporate any local specificities (all the way down to the production site level). 

Strategic Workforce Shaping: Anticipating the future workforce as the industrial model evolves

Economic, geopolitical, and technological disruptions are having a long-term impact on the business strategies of industrial players. Executives therefore need to precisely identify the future skills and capabilities that will be essential in the long run (more than 5 years from now) in order to implement their strategy for the future. These challenges of anticipating the needs and their impact on jobs and HR policies (training, internal mobility and the employer brand) need to be addressed by both the Business Units and Human Resources. Avencore helps you map out the skills of tomorrow and the impact they will have on the jobs and the organization, while taking all the possible scenarios into account: technological disruptions, outsourcing, geopolitical impact, integrating artificial intelligence or robotization, etc. 

Medium- and long-term skills planning: three key success factors
  • Developing a tailor-made segmentation of the current Human Resources model 
  • Developing a global perspective to operate locally 
  • Creating a dialogue: Company x Organisation x Production capacity x Workforce 

“The industrial sector needs to ask itself a number of key questions if it does not want to be continually faced with a shortage of talent: what skills will create value tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? What new technologies will significantly change the way we manufacture and work? What kind of talent management, succession planning and leadership will be needed in the medium term?”

Frédéric L’Héréec, Partner