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Product and Strategy Portfolio

Harness your strengths to conquer new markets

A product strategy to support long-term growth

Organising your product catalogue into a portfolio: a strategic lever for competitiveness

Having a product strategy and portfolio is essential to align your commercial strategy with your business ambitions, facilitate resource allocation, increase your market share and capture new segments. One of the major challenges for organizations is to prioritize projects, products, and programs according to their vision and strategic ambition. We help our clients to find the right balance between new products – their innovations – and their existing product portfolio, and to make the right investment decisions.

A methodology to achieve the desired operational results: align, position and act

The Avencore teams support our clients through every step of the process:  

  • Setting business challenges based on the clients’ expectations and needs.
  • Defining product performance indicators such as sales, resource requirements and market penetration.
  • Evaluating the current portfolio and analyzing performance in terms of profitability, growth and contribution to the overall strategy.
  • Positioning each product according to its potential, profitability and how well it suits the client’s needs.
  • Defining strategic actions for each product, taking strategic objectives, market segmentation, and product positioning into account. 
A multi-dimensional, multi-industry track-record

From the initial scoping phase working alongside executive management down to the implementation phase with our teams, Avencore provides concrete, measurable answers to the strategic challenges our industrial customers are facing. We provide access to the industry’s best practices so that we can move beyond preconceived ideas and open up the field of possibilities. 

“The success of a product strategy depends on a multitude of factors: a clear vision of the market, skilful product management and reduced operational complexity. By analysing market trends and defining clear strategic objectives, we help companies to identify growth opportunities, control the lifecycle of their products and manage their performance effectively.”

Maxime Bremond, Partner