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Growth Strategy

Articulating our clients’ strategic aspirations and aligning their operational model to achieve them.


Developing your organization and maintaining long term competitiveness

Growth strategy in the industry: thinking about the developments for the next 10 years now

In a constantly evolving environment, companies in all industrial sectors have to navigate between the imperatives of economic performance, the demands of sustainable development and customer expectations. To succeed in this challenge, it is crucial to adopt a clear, coherent growth strategy that effectively links the various components of the operating model in the long run, by anticipating not only the impact on the industrial strategy but also on the Human Capital strategy. 

Aligning management, teams and the organization with strategic ambition

Whether internal or external, a growth strategy often involves profound changes that need to be explained, understood and implemented at every level of the company. The first step towards a successful implementation of the strategy is therefore to translate it into clear, measurable objectives for all employees, ensuring that they fully understand their role in achieving this ambition. 

Defining a winning industrial strategy: performance, innovation and customer proximity

An industrial strategy should help manufacturers balance four major imperatives: remaining competitive in an increasingly fluid global environment; developing innovative products and services while staying close to customers and better understanding their expectations; adapting the supply chain to make it more sustainable and resilient; and controlling and reducing the company’s environmental footprint. To achieve this, it’s essential to rethink the operational model and industrial processes to successfully address all markets and customers. 

Executing successful acquisitions and ensuring growth

Acquisitions (whether involving industrial capacity or a portfolio of products and services) are powerful tools for securing growth and strengthening competitive positions. However, they must be planned and implemented rigorously. Identifying relevant targets, conducting industrial due diligence, and managing post-acquisition integration: all these stages must be executed while ensuring each acquisition aligns strategically with the company’s long-term objectives. 

Attracting and cultivating talent: the key to a successful, sustainable growth strategy

There can be no sustainable growth without the right talent to implement it. In a climate of heightened competition for human resources, talent strategy is a major challenge for manufacturers. Offering attractive career paths, personalised development programmes for experts, and proactive actions to strengthen the leadership of managers is now essential if you want to attract and retain the people who will guarantee the success of your strategy.  

Your strategic partner for tackling industrial challenges

Avencore responds to the concerns of senior executives and helps them make the right decisions: the firm aims to ensure the acceleration, successful turnaround and sustainability of their strategic projects, to industrialize and make competitive new technologies and products, and to strengthen the efficiency of their organizations.   

Fabrice Vigier, Partner, Avencore

“Very often managers have no choice but to transform. However, the imperative for change, its degree of urgency, and the extent to which it is called into question must be shared by a sufficiently motivated coalition if the transformation project is to have any chance of success.”

Fabrice Vigier, Co-founder and Partner