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Accelerating production to meet rapidly growing demand

Securing a ramp-up, from planning through implementation

Rapidly increasing production capacity: a strategic challenge for many sectors

A ramp-up, a significant increase in production capacity, is not just reserved for industrial scale-ups, but it’s also for large companies that need to respond quickly to growing demand. Ramping up production at breakneck speed requires major investment and puts enormous pressure on all suppliers. The defence, aeronautics and nuclear sectors, for example, are facing this challenge of strategic acceleration. 

Translating order backlogs into a realistic and optimized workload plan

To secure a ramp-up, it is essential to determine the right resource and staffing levels before investing in buildings, equipment, or resources. Avencore’s teams can help you make a reliable assessment of your workload versus your capacity thanks to an in-depth analysis and modelling study of your needs (all the way down to the individual part level) and of the resources that are under pressure. We put planning and ramp-up management tools (S&OP) in place to identify potential bottlenecks at an early stage, to guarantee the supply of raw materials, and to prevent budgets and deadlines from being exceeded.

Adjusting the industrial equipment to your specific needs

A ramp-up will often require a change in industrial strategy. In a very short time frame, we must ask ourselves a few structuring questions: What is the best geographical location for a new plant? “Make or buy?” Which panel of suppliers? Expand the capacity of the existing plant or open a new site?  

Based on multi-industry benchmarks and cutting-edge expertise in complex industrial organizations, systems, and products, Avencore can establish different scenarios for your industrial footprint and help you make the right decisions. 

Deploying production capacity and optimising investments (CAPEX)

Managing CAPEX plays a crucial role in the success of a ramp-up. Our approach is based on rigorous methods to guarantee the best CAPEX-OPEX trade-off and control the risks. Avencore’s teams can help you optimize your CAPEX by defining exactly what you need by selecting the most efficient suppliers, by negotiating the best prices, and by optimizing delivery times.