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Purchasing Performance

Managing costs, risks and supplier relationships for a sustainable performance

Partnerships and sustainability: new horizons for the Purchasing department

Purchasing to boost the company's overall competitiveness

In recent years, it has become clear that the Purchasing department does more than just look for low prices. It has to contribute to the company’s overall performance in response to objectives that can be contradictory: reducing expenses while encouraging the decarbonization of its operations, improving quality and delivery times while incorporating CSR criteria. Strategic purchasing management then becomes a complex task, requiring expertise and sophisticated decision-making tools to deal with the new economic and ecological realities. 

Securing supplies and managing risks

The acceleration of major industrial programmes and the rapid increase in production rates in several sectors are having an impact on the projected needs for raw materials and technologies. Securing supplies therefore requires the long-term loyalty of reliable, high-performance suppliers, as well as diversifying supply sources, which includes integrating new players. Buyers should therefore explore alternative markets, ideally those that are geographically closer to the production centres, to ensure the resilience of the entire value chain.  

Sustainable purchasing policies and a dialogue with tier 1, 2 and 3 suppliers

Purchasing Managers play a crucial role in reducing the environmental footprint of companies. Working with the Supply Chain department, they are at the forefront of meeting the requirements of regulations such as CSRD, CS3D, the Sapin 2 law, etc. Evaluating suppliers’ CSR practices, managing indirect emissions (Scope 3) and striving for financial performance must be carefully balanced to align sustainability and profitability. 

Purchasing as a driver for innovation

In addition to reducing costs, the Purchasing department is also a vector for improving the added value of products when it explores new materials, technologies and processes in partnership with R&D teams. Whether it’s through optimizing packaging, integrating sustainable materials or collaborating with suppliers on ground-breaking solutions, Purchasing can make a direct contribution to improving sales and enhancing the customer experience. 

The necessity of digitising the Purchasing department

Digitalization is one of the strategic priorities of Purchasing Directors, with multiple gains to be made: simplifying and harmonising, processes, operational efficiency, improving supplier relations, managing expenses, etc. Digital transformation, which is often requested and expected by Purchasing teams, requires a tried and tested methodology, which Avencore provides: digital maturity diagnosis, co-construction of the digital strategy and a progressive action plan, identifying relevant use cases, selecting the appropriate technologies, support for change management to facilitate the transition to a larger scale.  

Solutions tailored to every company, for tangible, measurable results.

At Avencore, we know that the Purchasing department is one of the key cogs in a company’s performance. We have a team of experts at your disposal to help you define and implement ambitious purchasing strategies and set up an organization that is capable of executing them as effectively as possible.  

“Tension over the supply of certain industrial goods is helping to transform the customer-supplier relationship. The dialogue with suppliers is evolving into the co-construction of new technical, industrial and commercial solutions.”

Sébastien Degueldre, Associate Partner