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Operating Model

A bridge between strategy and operations, a compass for navigating market changes

Modelling success: Designing and implementing a high-performance operating model

The operating model, an indispensable tool to align the organization with the strategy

An effective operating model is much more than a formality; it is a detailed representation of the governance, management, processes, structures and resources necessary to achieve a company’s strategic objectives. Because it aligns the company’s strategic direction with its ability to implement it, the operating model must evolve and resonate with the constant changes in the market if the company is to remain competitive. One of the main challenges in defining this model is often to manage any reluctance to change to succeed in integrating the new way of working in a sustainable way.  

The components of a high-performance operating model

An effective operating model is more than just an organizational chart; it integrates all the critical dimensions of the organization. It includes a shared organizational structure with clearly defined responsibilities and tasks, operational processes and working methods, IT systems and technologies, a management and reporting system, a definition of the target culture that will support growth, and agile governance.  

A methodology and benchmarks to design and implement a customised operating model

In order to co-construct a tailor-made operating model, the Avencore approach includes a qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of the organization’s current state in terms of its business objectives. We analyze market trends (best practices according to size, positioning and sector) and we take the cultural and human challenges into consideration to develop a detailed implementation plan that ensures a smooth and sustainable transformation.

Challenging the status quo

For more than 15 years, Avencore has been addressing the industrial challenges of today and tomorrow (growth, decarbonization, digitalization, reindustrialization) by offering tailor-made solutions. We constantly seek to challenge the status quo and offer a new perspective on our customers’ issues. 

“The human aspect has to be at the heart of the design of the operating model. The support and engagement of your employees is crucial if you want to make an abstract representation of the organization a reality. We create the conditions for teams to take ownership, by ensuring that every employee understands not only their role but also how they contribute to the overall vision of the company.”

Frédéric L’Héréec, Partner