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Change Management

Bringing a successful transformation from vision to reality 

Transforming structures and cultures for real and long-lasting change

Guiding manufacturers towards a successful transformation

In a constantly changing economic and societal environment, a company’s ability to adapt and transform has become crucial to its long-term survival. Transformation is not optional; it is an imperative for managers faced with situations that exacerbate the limits of the status quo. But if the transformation project is to have any chance of success, it needs to be supported by a structured, tailor-made approach. 

Evaluating the maturity and appetite for change

Before embarking on a major transformation, it is crucial to evaluate a company’s level of “organizational agility”. We conduct an in-depth analysis of the company’s current state, its business context, its culture and its resistance to change. This analysis allows us to identify the key success factors and risks associated with the project, the potential catalysts and/or obstacles to change, as well as the most critical populations. To manage the change process in the long term, we use surveys regularly to measure the adoption of the transformation and we take the appropriate actions to optimize the results. 


Defining a shared and inspiring vision

The key to successful change lies in building a shared vision (“One shared story”) based on clear, objective data that explains the need for change. Our experts work closely with directors to develop this story, which should inspire all employees and give meaning to their actions.An effective communication strategy is crucial to share this vision and its associated objectives across different levels of the organization. This will help align teams and engage them in the change process.

Taking all stakeholders into account

Mapping out all the stakeholders – and personas – impacted by the change is a fundamental step. The idea is to understand the needs, expectations, interests and concerns of each “community” in order to develop personalized action plans. Taking stakeholders into consideration on an ongoing basis is essential if we are to involve and mobilize them throughout the transformation process. 

Co-constructing a concrete action plan to get employees involved

A clear, detailed action plan – a “change manual” – is indispensable if the transformation is to become a reality. Avencore will support you in clarifying the major organizational changes that need to be implemented (such as new working methods, decision-making processes and roles) and in measuring the impact of these changes. 

Spotlighting the changes to anchor the new organization

To make the expected results a reality, Avencore implements emblematic changes that are visible to everyone and communicates the “quick wins” to illustrate the initial benefits of the transformation that is currently in progress. 

“For successful change management, proper management of the various communities is a game changer. It’s essential to identify the most catalytic communities in advance, to ensure that they have fully grasped the issues and the impact of the transformation on their day-to-day lives, and to put specific support in place.”

Frédéric L’Héreec, Partner